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 An immersive retreat exploring politics and society 
Spend a week making friends and learning how to work and live for the common good

Launched in 2009 by the Thomas More Centre, YPAT has adapted to the next generation.
With over 250 alumni, we invite 18 to 30 year olds to apply for the upcoming winter session.
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What is YPAT?

Are you a young person aged between 18 to 30? Do you want to learn more about the political, social and institutional structures of the world? Do you want to learn what you can do to make a difference, exactly where you are? 
YPAT is about the polis – that broad, all-encompassing social and cultural realm in which we all live. The polis is why there are such things as politics and policies.
YPAT is about action and advocacy, but more than that, it is about the reasons for such things and even the reasons why stillness, waiting, and contemplation might be the most effective action.
YPAT is a week-long immersion retreat into society and politics – a residential program where you’ll gain knowledge, insight, and some practical understanding of today's cultural and political systems.

You’ll make like-minded friends and spend hours discussing your passions and goals over meals and activities.

YPAT Residential 2024

DATES: 25 June - 1 July 2024


COST:  $590

AGE LIMIT: YPAT is open to any young person aged between 18 – 30, of any belief or background, as long as they are of goodwill and agree to respect the values of the Thomas More Centre.



  • Option 1: Pay the full YPAT fee. With your $90 deposit already accounted for, this payment is only $500. 
  • Option 2: Pay the balance owing. Available amounts include $100, $150, $200, $295 and $500.
  • Option 3: Pay monthly instalments of $50 for 10 months. With your $90 deposit accounted for, this payment comes to $500 over the 10 months.
  • Option 4: If you receive a partial sponsorship for YPAT, pay monthly instalments of $29.50 over 10 months to complete your payment.
YPAT 2024 Program

Proudly supported by News Weekly magazine
ABN: 65 004 350 529
PO Box 4342
Auburn South Vic 3122
